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12. Kormysheva E., Malykh S., Vetokhov S. Giza. Eastern Necropolis I. The Tomb of Khafraankh. Moscow: IOS RAS, 2010. — 271 p.
13. Kormysheva E., Malykh S. Lepsius Tombs in Giza Necropolis re-discovered. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 96. 2010. Pp. 40–70.
14. Kormysheva E., Malykh S., Lebedev M., Vetokhov S. Giza. Eastern Necropolis IV. Tombs of Perseneb, Ipy, and Ananymous Toms GE 23, GE 40, GE 57, and GE 58. Moscow: IOS RAS, 2018. — 336 p.
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16. Lauer J.-Ph. Les Pyramides de Sakkara / The Pyramids of Sakkara (Bibliotheque Generale) (English and French Edition). Cairo: IFAO, 2015. — 226 p.
17. Lepsius С. R. Die alt-ägyptische Elle und ihre Eintheilung. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1865. — S. 63.
18. Lepsius C. R. Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien. Text I. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1897. — S. 233.
19. Nicholson P. T., Shaw I. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. — 702 p.
20. Reisner G. A. The Development of the Egyptian Tomb down to the Accession of Cheops. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936. — 428 p.
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22. Wilson J. A., Allen T. G. The Mastaba of Mereruka. Part II. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1938. — 332 p.
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