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3. Kraineva E., Lidin K. Trash Muse in Use. Project Baikal. 2012. No. 9. Pp. 66–75 (in Russian).
4. Claire M. C. Epistle and Episteme: Yee Sookyung’s the Very Best Statue and the Art Object as Social Space. Text and Performance Quarterly. 2014. Vol. 34. No. 2. Pp. 125–143.
5. Ilhan M. Transforming Trash as an Artistic Act. A Master Thesis. Ankara: Department of Communication and Design İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2016. — 98 p.
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7. Ancient Chinese Porcelain Sewn into Ceramic Dresses. Clife. URL: https://cfileonline.org/fashion-ancient-chinese-porcelain-sewn-into-ceramic-dresses-suits/ (accessed 23.10.2022).
8. Artist Uses Hundreds of Shards of Chinese Porcelain to Create “Wearable” Art. My Modern Met. URL: https://mymodernmet.com/li-xiaofeng-porcelain-dresses/ (accessed 24.10.2022).
9. Porcelain Trash. Arthur. URL: https://arthur.io/art/lei-xue/porcelain-trash (accessed 23.10.2022).
10. Lei Xue, Fish. Artsy. URL: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/lei-xue-fish (accessed 27.10.2022).
11. Recycled China. Ceramics Monthly. URL: https://ceramicartsnetwork.org/ceramics-monthly/ceramics-monthly-article/Recycled-China (accessed 14.10.2022).
12. Lacoste Commissions Most Expensive and Exclusive Porcelain Polo Shirt Ever. Luxury Launches. URL: https://luxurylaunches.com/fashion/lacoste_commissions_most_expensive_and_exclusive_porcelain_polo_shirt_ever.php (accessed 27.10.2022).
13. Lei Xue. Martina Dettere Kunstberatung https://www.detterer.de/Kuenstler/LeiXue/LeiXue.html (accessed 17.10.2022)
14. Translated Vase. MutualArt. URL: https://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/Translated-Vase/B86CE2F3E97D1496 (accessed 17.10.2022)
15. Li Xiaofeng. Red Gate Gallery. URL: http://redgategallery.com/content/li-xiaofeng (accessed 27.10.2022).
16. Ceramic Forms Yee Soo Kyung (Seoul, Korea). Vancouver Biennale. URL: https://www.vancouverbiennale.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Kyung-Ceramic-Form.pdf (accessed 25.10.2022).
17. Porcelain POLO shirt by Li Xiaofeng. Yatzer. URL: https://www.yatzer.com/porcelain-polo-shirt-li-xiaofeng (accessed 18.10.2022).
18. Smashed Cans Sculpted in the Traditional Style of Ming Dynasty Porcelain My Modern Met. URL: https://mymodernmet.com/lei-xue-drinking-tea/ (accessed 23.10.2022).
19. Translated Vase. Yee Soo Kyung. URL: https://www.yeesookyung.com/translated-vase- (accessed 23.10.2022).
20. Porcelain Costumes by Li Xiaofeng. 4th Gallery. URL: http://4rtgallery.blogspot.com/2013/01/porcelain-costumes-by-li-xiaofeng.html (accessed 27.10.2022).
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