1. Soviet East Posters; 1918–1940. Catalogue of the Exhibition in the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. Moscow: Mardjani Founfation, 2013. — 320 p. (in Russian).
2. Voronkova L. P., Afanasiev O. E., Marmer L. I. Historical Posters of Intourist: Forming Touristic Image of the Country. Sovremennye Problemy Servisa i Turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges]. 2016. No. 10 (4). Pp. 41–62 (in Russian).
3. Kononenko E., Lavrentyeva N. “‘Image-Promise’: Countries of the East on Advertising Posters. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Art History. 2019. No. 9 (1). Pp. 180–199 (in Russian).
4. Kressova M. D., Orlov I. B. Foreign Tourism in the USSR in the Late 1920s — early 1930s: Problems of the Formation of “Freemen Industry”. Problems of the History of Service: Health Care, Culture, Leisure. All-Russian Academic Conference: Collection of Articles. Moscow: MGOU Publishing House, 2004. Pp. 159–169 (in Russian).
5. Mroshchak Yu. International Poster Competition in Part of the 30th Anniversary of the Victory Day. Iskusstvo. 1976. No. 1. Pp. 52–54 (in Russian).
6. Tugenhold J. Art of the October Era. Leningrad: Academia, 1930 — 197 p. (in Russian).
7. Orlov I. B. Soviet Resort of the 1930s: For “export” and for Internal Use. Modern Problems of Service and Tourism. 2009. No. 3. Pp. 25–30 (in Russian).
8. Kravchenko A. My life and my work. Soviet Travel. 1934. No. 5. Pp. 24–29.
9. Zozulya E. Ten from a thousand. Soviet travel. 1934. No 5. Pp. 8-11
10. Gustav Klutsis. Let's do a great job! 1930. REGNUM: news agency (in Russian). URL: https://regnum.ru/pictures/2462705/5.html (accessed 12.11.2022).
11. Kravchenko A. Burning of the Paranja, 1928. Virtual Gallery. My Tretiakov Gallery. URL: https://my.tretyakov.ru/app/masterpiece/9054 (accessed 09.10.2022).
12. Tajik folk costume. From the history of the costume (in Russian). URL: http://www.hallenna.narod.ru/istoria_k-tadzhiki.html (accessed 12.10.2022).
13. Art and artists. The Museum of Modern Art. URL: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/5138 (accessed 09.10.2022).
14. Holidays behind the Iron Curtain: A collection of rare vintage posters advertising unlikely vacations in the Soviet Union have been revealed. The Daily Mail. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3320182/Holidays-Iron-Curtain-collection-rare-vintage-posters-advertising-unlikely-vacations-Soviet-Union-revealed.html (accessed 12.10.2022).
15. Roger Broders Art. The Art.com. URL: https://www.art.com/gallery/id--a855/roger-broders-posters.htm (accessed 28.07.2022).
16. See America. Welcome to Montana / R. Halls. Library of Congress. United States Legislative Information. URL: https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3g04240/ (accessed 09.10.2022).
17. Soviet Posters. International institute of social history. URL: https://iisg.nl/exhibitions/chairman/sov31.php (accessed 20.09.2022).
18. The New Travel Land. Intourist posters from the Soviet era. Retours: Railway History and Design. URL: https://retours.eu/en/39-intourist-USSR-posters/ (accessed 26.08.2022)
19. Russia. Travel Brochure from the 1920s and 1930s. URL: http://www.travelbrochuregraphics.com/Top_Level_Pages/russia/russia_page_13.htm (accessed 26.08.2022).
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