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2. September 23–26, Vladivostok. Results of the XIV All-Russian Congress of Orientalists “Turn to the East and Russian Oriental Studies”. IHAEFE RAS. 30.09.24 (in Russian). URL: https://tinyurl.com/mryk8rxc (accessed 01.10.24).
3. Academician Nikolay N. Kradin: “The Turn to the East Needs a Serious Academic Basis.” PrimaMedia. 2024 (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1813988/ (accessed 01.10.24).
4. Anatoly Savchenko: “Turn to the East” Is an Academic Project.” PrimaMedia (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1849192/ (accessed 01.10.24).
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9. The “Global East” Requires Professional Study from Russia — XIV Congress of Orientalists. The Academic Community Calls for the Creation of an Eastern University and a Foundation for the Support of Practical Oriental Studies. Primamedia. 2024 (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1855089/ (accessed 01.10.24).
10. To the 90th Anniversary of Leonid B. Alaev: On Marxism, Community and Indology. Pt. I. Oriental Courier. 2022а. No. 3. Pp. 36–49 (in Russian).
11. To the 90th Anniversary of Leonid B. Alaev: On Marxism, Community and Indology. Pt. II. Oriental Courier. 2022b. No. 3. Pp. 20–38 (in Russian).
12. Evgeny Vlasov: “Oriental Studies Needs a Reassembly of Educational Programs to Meet Business Requirements.” PrimaMedia (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1847183/?from=37 (accessed 01.10.24)
13. Irina Popova: “Oriental Studies Is a Way of Life” PrimaMedia. (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1844786/ (accessed 01.10.24).
14. Nepomnin O. E. The Foreign Policy Doctrine of Traditional China. Oriental Courier. 2021a. No. 3–4. Pp. 69–84 (in Russian).
15. Nepomnin O. E. China in the Context of World History. Oriental Courier. 2019. No. 1–2. Pp. 62–76 (in Russian).
16. Nepomnin O. E. Chinese and Japanese Models of Traditional Society. Oriental Courier. 2020. No. 3–4. Pp. 51–68 (in Russian).
17. Nepomnin O. E. The Political System of the Qing Empire. Oriental Courier. 2021b. No. 1–2. Pp. 46–60 (in Russian).
18. Nepomnin O. E. The Social Structure of Qing China. Pt. 1: State and Taxpaying Peasantry in the “Сlass-State” System. Oriental Courier. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 60–77 (in Russian)
19. The 14th Congress of Orientalists Program. IHAEFE RAS. 2024. URL: http://ihaefe.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Программа-XIV-Съезда-востоковедов.-22.09.pdf (accessed 01.10.24).
20. The Site of the 14th Congress of Orientalists. IHAEFE RAS. 2024 (in Russian). URL: http://ihaefe.org/event/хiv-siezd/ (accessed 01.10.24).
21. The Turn to the East Influences the Choice of Future Strategies among Young People — Alikber Alikberov. PrimaMedia. 2024 (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1828073/ (accessed 01.10.24).
22. The Upcoming Congress of Orientalists in Vladivostok Is an Extraordinary Event for the City — Victor Larin. PrimaMedia. 2024 (in Russian). URL: https://primamedia.ru/news/1835170/?from=37 (accessed 01.10.24).
23. Proceedings of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography FEB RAS. IHAEFE RAS. 2024. No. 44 (in Russian). URL: https://www.pro-ihae.ru/index.php/contents-of-the-magazine/2024/41-2023 (accessed 01.10.24).
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