Vostochnyi Kurier / Oriental Courier: About the Journal

The “Oriental Courier / Vostochnyi Kurier” (VK) Journal was founded in January 2019 by the Oriental Faculty of the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN) and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS). The Journal is published four times a year.

The Journal is registered as a mass medium in the Roskomnadzor (Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 77287, issued 25.11.2019) and in the ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation (ISSN: 2686-8431). Articles are indexed by the Russian Scientific Citation Index and receive a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) code in accordance with the international standards for academic peer-reviewed periodicals. All materials submitted to the editorial office undergo double anonymous review.

The “VK” publishes articles on the following specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK):

07.00.00 Historical Sciences and Archeology
07.00.03 General History (of the corresponding period)
07.00.06 Archeology
07.00.09 Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research
07.00.15 History of International Relations and Foreign Policy

23.00.00 Political Sciences
23.00.01 Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science
23.00.02 Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies
23.00.04 Political Problems of International Relations, Globaland Regional Development
23.00.05 Political Regional Studies. Ethnic Policy
23.00.06 Conflictology

24.00.01 Theory and History of Culture
05.23.20 Theory and History of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historical and Architectural Heritage
17.00.01 Theater Arts
17.00.02 Musical Art
17.00.04 Fine and Decorative-Applied Arts and Architecture
17.00.09 Theory and History of Art
24.00.03 Museology, Conservation and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Objects

The Journal is indexed in the Russian Scientific Citation Index.

The Mission of the Journal is the publication of relevant and original academic Oriental papers and materials in three main areas — History, Political Science and Cultural Studies of the East — to stimulate further study of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle related to the countries of the East, as well as the development of cooperation of Asiatic scholars in academic and university circles. The authors of the published materials are both Russian Federation domestic and foreign academics, specialists in various fields of knowledge of the East.

Oriental Courier is a platform for discussing problems of a wide range of politics, economics, practical oriental studies, field research, ‘academic travel’, cultural studies, art history, philology, history of the East, and the history of Oriental studies. Compliance with the academic approach to texts and the emphasis on the full color and expressiveness of the illustrative series distinguish the publication from a number of familiar academic journals. The sphere of interests of the Oriental Courier includes the entire history of Asia and Africa from archaic times to the present.

Submitted articles must comply with the Ethics of publications and the Rules for the Authors and RSCI. The editorial board of the Journal reserves the right to reject the material in the event of discrepancies or return it to the author for revision.

Personal data processing policy

The editorial policy of the journal regarding the processing of personal data is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”.

1. General provisions and concepts.

The editorial office of the journal acts as an operator of personal data, which refers to information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data), namely:

- Full Name;

- position and place of work;

- mailing address;

- telephone number;

- email address.

The processing of personal data is any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) with personal data performed by the editorial office with or without the use of automation tools.

The processing of personal data includes, among other things: collection; record; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (updating, changing); extraction; usage; transfer (distribution, provision, access); depersonalization; blocking; removal; destruction of personal information.

2. The following categories are considered to be personal data subjects for editorial purposes:

1) authors of articles – the results of scientific research, reviews, reviews published in the journal;

2) members of the editorial board of the journal;

3) editors of the journal;

4) reviewers of the journal;

5) representatives of the technical service of the journal;

6) subscribers of the journal.

3. Purposes of collecting personal data.

The processing of personal data of subjects by the editors of the journal is carried out for the following purposes:

— identification of the authorship of a scientific work; reviewing the article (with depersonalization of the reviewed work); contacting with the author; prepress preparation of the article; publication of an article and distribution of journal materials: on the journal's website, in archivers, in scientometric databases with which the editorial staff of the journal has agreements;

— representation of the members of the editorial board, editors, representatives of the technical service on the journal's website in open access and for the representation of the journal in scientometric databases, scientific communities;

- organization of work on reviewing articles (according to the system of “double-blind peer review” adopted in the journal);

— sending (transferring) copies of the journal to subscribers.

4. Basis for the processing of personal data.

4.1. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent to the processing of personal data, which gives:

— a member of the editorial board who agreed to join the editorial board of the journal;

– the author, having read the editorial policy and rules on the site, when submitting an article and related materials to the journal: by uploading to the JES system or by e-mail the editorial office intended for communication with authors and for submitting articles (oriental-courier@jes.su);

— a reviewer when registering on the journal's publishing platform;

— a subscriber who applied to the editorial office to order a copy of the journal.

4.2. The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and agrees to their processing freely, by their own will and in their own interest.

4.3. In case of incapacity of the subject of personal data, consent to the processing of their personal data is given by the legal representative of the subject of personal data.

4.4. In case of death of the subject of personal data, consent to the processing of his personal data is given by the heirs of the subject of personal data, if such consent was not given by the subject of personal data during his lifetime.

5. The right of the subject of personal data to access his personal data.

5.1. The subject of personal data has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing:

1) confirmation of the fact of processing personal data by the operator;

2) legal grounds and purposes for processing personal data;

3) the purposes and methods used by the operator for processing personal data;

4) the name and location of the operator, information about persons (excluding employees of the operator) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the operator or on the basis of federal law;

5) processed personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the submission of such data is provided by federal law;

6) terms of personal data processing, including terms of their storage;

7) the procedure for the exercise by the subject of personal data of the rights provided for by this Federal Law;

8) information about the performed or proposed cross-border data transfer;

9) the full name and address of the person carrying out the processing of personal data on behalf of the operator, if the processing is or will be entrusted to such a person;

10) other information.

5.2. If the subject of personal data believes that the operator is processing their personal data in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law or otherwise violates his rights and freedoms, the subject of personal data has the right to appeal against the actions or inaction of the operator to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data or in court.

6. Responsibilities of the editorial board.

6.1. The editorial office undertakes, when processing personal data, to be limited to the achievement of the stated goals (see clause 3).

6.2. The editorial office is obliged to transfer personal data of all categories of subjects of personal data to the bodies of inquiry and investigation, other authorized bodies on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. The operator is obliged to provide free of charge to the subject of personal data or his representative the opportunity to get acquainted with personal data relating to this subject of personal data.

6.4. Within a period not exceeding seven working days from the date the subject of personal data or his representative provides information confirming that personal data is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date, the operator is obliged to make the necessary changes to them.

6.5. Within a period not exceeding seven working days from the date of submission by the subject of personal data or his representative of information confirming that such personal data are illegally obtained or are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, the operator is obliged to destroy such personal data.

6.6. The operator is obliged to notify the subject of personal data or his representative about the changes made and the measures taken and take reasonable measures to notify third parties to whom the personal data of this subject were transferred.

7. Procedure and conditions for processing personal data.

The procedure and conditions for the processing of personal data are determined from the category of personal data subjects and the purposes of using personal data corresponding to them.

7.1. The personal data of the authors are divided into two groups:

1) intended for personal identification and communication with the editorial office (the editorial office is not entitled to transfer them to third parties (except as provided for in clause 5.2) and stores them permanently in electronic form to resolve issues of republication, retraction of articles at the request of third parties, copyright and interests which have been violated);

2) intended for publication in the journal and presentation of the author of the article, possible connection of readers with him, export together with the materials of the articles to scientometric databases.

The composition of personal data is determined by the author and the editors as agreed during prepress, but cannot concern the author's last name, first name, patronymic, his scientific regalia, place of work and e-mail address (at the choice of the author – work/corporate or personal).

7.2. Personal data of members of the editorial board and the editorial board, editors, representatives of the technical service are divided into two groups:

1) intended for internal editorial work;

2) intended for publication on the journal's website in open access, for the representation of the journal in scientometric databases, scientific communities.

The composition of personal data is determined in agreement with this category of personal data subjects, however, it cannot be less than that required by the tasks of representation.

7.3. The personal data of the journal's reviewers are stored only in the editorial office of the journal permanently, are used to communicate members of the editorial board, editors with reviewers, and are not intended for publication on the journal's website.

7.4. Personal data of subscribers of printed copies of the journal are stored for the period of validity of the subscription (to receive journals for a year, six months or a one-time subscription to a specific printed issue) or the period provided for by specific subscription agreements to resolve disputes related to the delivery of the journal by postal services.

8. Information on measures aimed at ensuring that the editorial office fulfills the obligations stipulated by the Federal Law “On the processing of personal data”

8.1. The editor-in-chief of the journal was appointed as the person responsible for the processing of personal data of members of the editorial board and the editorial board, editors, authors, representatives of the technical service by the decision of the editorial board.

8.2. The operator has the right, with the consent of the subject of personal data, to entrust the processing of personal data to another person.

At the same time, if the operator entrusts the processing of personal data to another person, the operator shall be liable to the subject of personal data for the actions of the specified person.

9. Revocation by the subject of his personal data.

Subjects of personal data and their representatives, authorized bodies have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, to their storage in connection with the right to withdraw an unpublished or published article, having reasonably substantiated their withdrawal.

Contact address for inquiries: oriental-courier@jes.su

The editorial office undertakes to promptly

consider such requests and make appropriate corrections on the site, in the

database, as well as notify the scientometric databases where the journal

materials are exported, but cannot guarantee corrections in these databases.