Instructions for Authors

Oriental Courier / Vostochnyi Kurier. Instructions for Authors
 1. General requirements
For publication in the Oriental Courier / Vostochnyi Kurier journal are accepted academic articles of up to 60 thousand characters (including spaces and captions to illustrations, diagrams and graphs). To be considered for publication, all articles go through the procedure of double anonymous peer review (for more details, see the Reviewing section), and may be rejected by the editorial board of the journal or returned for revision.
Proposed materials for publication are accepted by e-mail or through the Journal’s site electronic form in Word file format (.doc and .docx). Illustrated materials (photographs, maps, drawings, etc.) must be submitted in electronic version in .jpeg format with a resolution of at least 400 dpi. Illustrations must contain a title and a source of origin in square brackets indicating the publication page, authorship in parentheses or an Internet address: “URL: http: ... (accessed 14.01.2001)”.            
2. Requirements for the content of an article
The article should contain:
1) The Title of the Article in Russian and English
2) 2) Author’s (authors’) name(s), surname(s) and patronymic(s) (if available) in Russian and English
3) An Abstract in Russian and English languages (250–300 words)
4) Keywords in Russian and English (6–8 words)
5) Author’s academic degree, title, position, affiliation, e-mail
6) Continuous pagination (including bibliography, illustrations, graphic materials, tables, photographs, or other illustrations and captions) 
7) In order to meet the requirements of international databases the article should contain also authors’ identification numbers in the ORCID ID systems (, Scopus, and Web of Science (if available) 
3. Requirements for the text of the article
The article should not exceed 60,000 characters with spaces. Please observe the alignment of lines, the first line indent is 1 cm. The paragraph should be aligned from the left automatically, no strings of spaces are allowed. We request to clearly title your file with the article according to the model “Chukovsky, VK-2019. Dr. Aibolitov and Africa”. The editorial board ignores the articles sent without a cover letter with a clearly formulated topic.
The font for the main text is Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5 (one and a half). The font for annotations and key fonts — Times New Roman, size 11, spacing 1 (single). The font for notes — Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 1 (single). The font for the bibliography is Times New Roman, size 11, spacing 1 (single). Transfers are not allowed.
If special fonts are used to convey diacritics or eastern signs (hieroglyphics), the font should be submitted to the editor in a separate file.
To accentuate text elements, italics and bold are allowed. Underlining text is not recommended.
When quoting, external «» and internal “” quotes are used. The latter are used when quoting within a quotation, as well as in English text. A gap in a citation is indicated as follows: <...>.
Notes at the bottom of the page are allowed. The footnote is placed before the punctuation mark. An exception is the case when the footnote sign is placed after the abbreviation. If necessary, provide information on grants and acknowledgments, in the first footnote. Links and footnotes in the form [Ibid., Op.cit, ibid, etc.] are not allowed.
In Journal uses an em dash“–” intervals between years, page numbers, etc., which are formatted (1364–1911) without spaces.
Rules for References
The bibliography should be placed in a separate section after the main text of the article, where should be given detailed information of the bibliographic apparatus (references and bibliography).
4. Requirements for the references to literature
The Journal has an in-line system of references. References to the written, archival and other sources and literature are given in square brackets. First, the author’s surname is indicated, then, separated by a comma, the year of the work’s publication, and, separated by commas, the page (pages).
For example:
[Иванов, 2018, с. 23] or [Smith, 2017, p. 64]; [Иванов, 2018, с. 23–25] or [Smith, 2017, pp. 64–67].
If you need to reference the work of several authors, the data are indicated in alphabetical order separated by semicolons (Russian authors first).           
For example:           
[Иванов, 2018, с. 23; Petrov, 2016, p. 18].
If you need to reference several works of the same author, they should be listed in chronological order separated by semicolons.           
For example:           
[Иванов, 2016, с. 13–15; Иванов, 2018, с. 23].
If you need to reference several works by the same author, published in the same year, they are given with a Latin letter code alphabetically separated by semicolons.           
For example:           
[Иванов, 2018 (a), с. 23; Иванов, 2018 (b), с. 80]
If a book or article has no more than three authors, you should indicate all their names separated by commas. If there are more than four authors, the surname of the first author is indicated, but all surnames are listed in the bibliography section.           
For example:           
[Васильев, Иванов, Петров, 2017, с. 38]
If you need to reference the works of authors with the same surname, then the initials should be indicated after the surname.           
For example:           
[Иванов А. A., 2018, с. 23; Иванов B. B., 2016, с. 13]
Links to electronic sources are given in the footnotes at the bottom of the page indicating the date of access (Russian resources are given there without translation into English).           
For example:           
1 Посол рассказал об экономическом сотрудничестве России и Японии. РИА Новости. URL: (accessed 10.04.2018).
The Journal uses a system for formatting a list of references by the requirements of Scopus and Web of Science. The article ends with a list of used literature under the heading “Список литературы / References”. The authors of the works used are indicated in alphabetical order. First goes a list of works in Russian (Cyrillic), then in foreign languages (Latin). The titles of works are indicated in italics, in the case of articles in periodicals and collections, the titles of publications are italicized. For monographs, an indication of the publisher and year of publication is required, as well as the number of pages. For articles, you must indicate the page numbers in the collection. For publications in Russian, it is necessary to give a translation into English in square brackets, preferably using the original translation of the title of the work in the Russian Science Citation Index ( The titles of the monographs are usually provided in the English abstracts).

Examples of the Reference inputs

Monographs in Russian and English:

Дубровская Д. В. Миссия иезуитов в Китае. Маттео Риччи и другие (1552–1775 гг.). М.: «Крафт+», ИВ РАН, 2001. — 200 с. [Dubrovskaya D. V. Jesuit Mission in China. Matteo Ricci and Others (1552–1775). Moscow: “Kraft+”, Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS), 2001. — 200 р. (in Russian)].

Waley A. An Introduction into the Study of Chinese Painting. London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1923. — 386 p.

Collective monographs:

Алпатов В. М., Аркадьев П. М., Подлесская В. И. Теоретическая грамматика японского языка. М.: Издательство «Наталис», 2008. Т. 1. — 560 с. [Alpatov V. M., Arkadiev P. M., Podlesskaya V. I. Theoretical Grammar of Japanese language. Moscow: “Natalis”, 2008. Vol. 1. — 560 p.].

Lobell S. E., Ripsman N. M., Taliaferro J. W. Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 310 p.

Articles in periodicals and collections:

Сураева Н. Г. Образ Сян-фэй в истории и живописи Дж. Кастильоне. Общество и государство в Китае. Т. XLIII. Ч. 1. Ред. А. И. Кобзев и др. М.: ИВ РАН, 2013. С. 536–545 [Suraeva N. G. Xiang-Fei’s Image in History and in the Painting of Giuseppe Castiglione. Society and State in China: V. XLIII, P. 1. Eds. A. I. Kobzev et al. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2013. Pp. 536–545 (in Russian)].

Maddin R., Stech T., Muhly J. D., Brovarski E. Old Kingdom Models from the Tomb of Impy: Metallurgical Studies. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 1984. 70. Pp. 33–41.


NB: double slashes are not allowed. In all English titles all words, except for prepositions and articles, must be capitalised (e.g. “Fairytales and True Stories”).


Publications in Russian and Eastern languages should be accompanied by a translation into English, provided immediately after the Russian title or the title in the Eastern language.

1) Indications for “Т.”, “№”, and “с.” must be converted to “Vol.”, “No.”, “p.” (to indicate one page) and “Pp.” (for multiple pages)           

2) Main cities like “М.”, “СПб”, and others must be fully decrypted into “Moscow”, “Saint-Petersburg”, etc.           

3) Indications for the centuries “XX”, “XXI”, etc. must be written correctly and transferred in English into 20th, 21st, etc.           

4) The names of foreign authors must be indicated in the original (for example, “Маркс” is not “Marks”, but “Marx”).           

Internet sources should also be listed under the heading “Electronic Sources”. It is necessary to indicate the mother site in italics, separated by a period, indicating the date of reference in parentheses. For resources in Russian and in non-main European and Eastern languages, translation into English is required (no transliteration though).


Examples of used links in Electronic Sources Section

Посол рассказал об экономическом сотрудничестве России и Японии. РИА Новости [The Ambassador Spoke about the Economic Cooperation between Russia and Japan. RIA Novosti (in Russian)]. URL: (accessed 10.04.2018).

Japan’s Foreign Policy that Takes a Panoramic Perspective of the World Map. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. URL: (accessed 22.03.2018).



The Journal considers both black and white and color illustrations, which should be provided as separate renumbered and signed files and should not be inserted into the text of the article. A separate file should be accompanied by a list of illustrations and figures, which contains the following structured information: The serial number of the illustration (figure). Author. Title of the work. Date. The technique, size of the piece, inventory number (all if necessary). Location of the work (collection, city, country). Photo origin or copyright (if applicable).

Examples of the list of illustrations

Fig. 2. Svyatoslav Potabenko. Portrait of Koka A. Antonova. 1964. Private collection

Fig. 3. Meeting. 1030–1040s Mosaic. Osios Lukas Monastery in Phokis, Greece. Photo by A. V. Zakharova


The editorial board of the Journal reminds that the authors are responsible for the accuracy of the materials provided, the correctness of quotations, proper names, etc. Responsibility for the publication of information that is not subject to open publication also lies with the authors.